Based on our own experience and experience of our technology providers and technical partners we advise how to choose right/optimal technical solutions at all, in network planning, construction and maintenance of fiber networks. We advise in projects based on the classical technique, also FTTH and broadband networks mostly in the selection of solutions, methodologies and technical guidance - just to enable the construction of the network as a standard NGN/NGA (Next Generation Network/Next Generation Access).
Many times we were invited as an expert and as specialists we advised:
Telecom of Poland (TP), Dialog (3rd Polish Telecom): FTTH projects and installations,
- TP, Dialog, Netia (2nd Polish Telecom): microducts projects and installations,
- TP: general requirements and technical guidelines for microducts in broadband networks,
- Dialog: indoor fiber optic network projects (MDU) in easy access cable technology,
- Multimedia Service Providers (leading country MSP operators such as Aster, INEA, Multimedia) FTTH concepts and projects (MDU, SDU application), microducts in access networks (FTTH SDU),
- local MSP and ISP operators: microduct networks concepts and projects, FTTH networks in SDU and MDU application.